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Howard University | College of Fine Arts | Department of Theatre

Ear Training & Sight-Singing for Musical Theatre

Aural Skills I



Lessons & Exercises:


Week 1 Homework -

Based on the material we've learned & reviewed thus far, create a quiz and answer key. In your quiz each subject should be assessed in two different ways.

Due: Tuesday, August 27th @ 8:10 AM


Week 2 Homework -

Study for Tuesday's Quiz


Week 3 Homework -

Identifying and Writing Intervals

Due: Tuesday, September 10th @ 8:10 AM


Week 4 Homework -

Use or the Tenuto App to complete interval construction and scale construction.


Follow the steps below.

Due: Thursday, September 17th @ 8:10 AM

















Week 5 Materials -

Sight Singing Book

Example 2.9 - Music Theory through Musical Theatre


Homework - InQuizitive (How to & Chapter 2)


Due: Tuesday, September 24th @ 8AM


Week 6 Homework -

1. Complete two assignments on

ONLY the HIGHEST one of these two grades will be submitted to the grade book.


2. InQuizitive (Chapter 3)



Week 7 Homework -

Complete two sight-singing exercises and one rhythmic reading exercise on


Week 8 Study -

Use the following to work on ear training for your next assessment.


You should also use on your own to practice sight reading.


Week 11 Homework -

Complete sight singing on

There are 3 assignments:

1 rhythmic and 2 sight singing.


Due: November 5, 2019 @ 8:10 AM.


Week 13 Homework -

Use to practice rhythmic and melodic dictation. Email a screenshot of your final score for each. You are required to complete 10 rhythmic dictation exercises and 5 melodic exercises.


Due: November 19, 2019 @ 8:10 AM


Use the photographs below to set your parameters.




InTerval Construction

Scale Construction

Screenshot 2019-11-15 at 8.26.00 PM.png

Rhythmic Dictation Parameters           

Screenshot 2019-11-15 at 8.31.56 PM.png

Melodic Dictation Parameters         

Screenshot 2019-11-15 at 8.23.41 PM.png

Grading Submission          

Contact Professor Johnson

Professor Johnson will be in contact soon!

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